Residential Testing for Drug Contamination

If you believe a property that you own, are considering purchasing, manage, or reside in contains Methamphetamine or Fentanyl contamination, an ACCURATE ASSESSMENT is your first step. The dedicated team at AA Decon can help.

(360) 230-8337

Our Core Values:

Fierce Integrity

Extreme Ownership

All in on Safety

Set the Standard

For Family

Our Core Values:

All in on Safety

Fierce Integrity

Set the Standard

Extreme Ownership

For Family

Obtain Peace of Mind

Dealing with potential drug contamination in your place of residence or a property you own can be incredibly stressful. You may be wondering where to even begin.

Fortunately, the AA Decon leadership team has helped accurately assess hundreds of housing units for drug contamination. Our pinpointed sampling methodology will provide clarity to your situation and give you peace of mind as to what your next steps should be.

Begin with an Accurate Assessment

As with all things in the drug remediation industry, if you’re dealing with potential drug contamination in a place of residence, the first step to take is to order an Assessment from AA Decon.

AA Decon’s sampling technician will honestly and accurately assess your property, adhering to the guidlines set by the WA State Department of Health – WA Dept of Health Guidelines for Environmental Sampling. Through collaboration with Public Health Officials and industry experts combined with our own field experience, we have developed an industry-leading methodology for sampling homes for both Methamphetamine and Fentanyl.

Our sampling methodology isolates areas of contamination and negates the effects of accidental contamination cover-ups such as new paint or recent intensive cleaning. The end result is an incredibly accurate assessment that provides clear, useful information to aid in determining a cost-effective and targeted decontamination work plan.

What if the Assessment reveals that my property requires cleanup?

If decontamination is required, our Project Manager and Client Advisor will work with you to arrive at the best possible work plan for your unique situation.

Our team moves quickly to get your decontamination project completed so that you can begin to reoccupy your property as soon as possible.

Ready to get the ball rolling?

Your best route is to begin with an Accurate Assessment from AA Decon. Get in touch with our experts today to take the first step towards resolving your current situation.

Ready to get the ball rolling?

Your best route is to begin with an Accurate Assessment. Get in touch with the experts at AA Decon today to take the first step towards resolving your current situation.